Frequently Asked Questions
Can I order online from Grizo as an individual?
Unfortunately, this is not possible. Grizo only sells to professionals with a valid VAT number.
Who can order products on Grizo?
Grizo is a wholesaler / producer of pet products exclusively for professionals, if you do not provide a valid VAT number you will unfortunately not be able to order from us.
Please note! Before an account is approved it will be reviewed internally if you meet certain criteria.
I am specifically looking for a product that distributes Grizo, where can I buy it?
It is best to call your local pet shop to ask if they have this product in stock. If not, ask the store to order this product from us.
Does Grizo do dropshipping?
Grizo unfortunately does not do dropshipping.
Why should I buy from Grizo?
Grizo is a wholesaler and manufacturer with experience in the pet sector since 1965. We actively search for the best price/quality products around the world and distribute them in Europe.
With our driven team we can help you in expanding your existing assortment and/or starting your store.
Since we are a wholesaler, stock is extremely important, which is why we focus on it.
I need help, how can I reach you?
Feedback is very important to us, so we would like to hear from you if you have a question, suggestion or complaint.
You can reach us in two ways: by phone or by mail.
By phone we are available from: Mon-Fri 08:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00 (Fri t.e.m. 15:00)
Or rather by email? This is possible 24/7 to
Do you have questions for us?
Do not hesitate to contact us.